The Chalice Mass
by Georgia van Raalte
In this simple rite the act of drinking is rendered sacramental. Wine may be used, or water, or indeed any other fluid the invoker feels fit.
[Incense is lit; a pitcher is filled and a Chalice prepared; a bell tolls seven times]
Holy Mother of Earth
Divine Daughter of Destruction
[The Chalice is filled from the pitcher as the following words are spoken]
I pour all I am into this cup, to be mingled with the Blood of the Saints.
I surrender all I am, all I was and I will be, to be sanctified within Thy Chalice.
I offer all I have and all I can, my Faith, my Love, my Fear and my Hope.
With these I will fill Thy Everlasting Cup, which is the Cup of Abominations.
[The Chalice is raised before the altar]
IO Babalon! [vibrated seven times]
Come to me my Goddess, for I could
Love Thee ten years before the flood,
And, that Thou be satisfied,
A thousand years unto Thy eyes
A decade for each breast, at least,
An aeon for the flesh beneath
A thousand thousand years to go
To every finger, every toe
To skin which is as red as roe
To lips which are as white as snow.
My blood removed
Unto Thy Cup
And this I hold aloft to sup
IO Babalon! [vibrated seven times]
[A drink is taken from the Chalice]
IO! This Cup is holy, this blood is Thy blood, which Thou hast given that we might live.
IO! Holy Mother of Darkness, grant unto me the honour of Thy Service.
IO! For Thine is the Kingdom, the Wisdom and the Understanding. This Earth shall be Thy Crown.
[The Chalice is emptied]
I drink. I am divine.
IO Babalon! [vibrated seven times]